
White papers, implementation docs, curriculum guides, etc.

White Papers

A white paper covering a broad range of CSM uses, meant for general audiences, or for programs that address more than one of schools, colleges, adult education, workforce development, and employee upskilling.

This is a white paper for any program with a focus of preparing students for postsecondary success, and addresses both access and completion.

This is a shorter white paper focused on CSM's adaptive learning pedagogy and technology.

This is a white paper geared towards employer use of CSM. It includes a general description of CSM and coaching, as well as different applications (employee upskilling, workforce development, tuition assistance, etc.) and their attendant benefits.

This is a white paper geared towards use of CSM in high schools. It includes a general description of CSM and coaching, as well as different applications (college or CTE prep, math course, credit recovery, summer/afterschool, etc.) and the attendant benefits.

Curriculum Guides

A general guide for understanding the CSM Course curriculum and pedagogy, and includes example problems for every "Core Skill" in CSM. This is NOT meant, however, for use in evaluating the CSM Course for prior-learning credit (PLC) -- for that, use the CSM Curriculum Guide - Quantitative Reasoning.

This syllabus is specifically intended for evaluating the CSM Course for prior-learning credit (PLC).

This short document provides an overview of the Career Strategies mini-course, including brief descriptions of the lesson topics.

Implementation Documents

A step-by-step guide to creating accounts, training coaches, adding classes and students, purchasing credits and more. This is the most essential guide to the nuts and bolts of getting started, once decisions have been made regarding the implementation plan (see the planning worksheets).

This is a planning worksheet for employers. It outlines many of the implementation options, and allows for an informed and intentional rollout. The is typically filled out before an implementation begins, and we encourage programs to share this with SeeMore, so that we can review and provide feedback, and more generally to understand and assist in your use of CSM.

This is a planning worksheet for schools, colleges, adult education and workforce development programs. It outlines many of the implementation options, and allows for an informed and intentional rollout. The is typically filled out before an implementation begins, and we encourage programs to share this with SeeMore, so that we can review and provide feedback, and more generally to understand and assist in your use of CSM.

This is a one-page flyer for CSM Coaches to get them oriented to the CSM Course.